Thursday, November 5, 2009

Romans 1:1-7 outline

I. Paul’s Self-Introduction - v1
A. Servant of Jesus Christ
B. An apostle commissioned by Christ
1. Paul moves from his allegiance to Christ to his authority to speak on Christ’s behalf
2. Apostle - someone who is specially gifted to communicate revelation from God and to whom the churches were responsible (1 Cor 12:28; Eph 3:5); the apostolic gift was foundational to the development of the church (Eph 2:20; 4:11)
3. Called - Christ appeared to him and chose him for his special mission to the Gentiles – Acts 9:4-5,15-16;Rom 11:13; 1Ti 2:7; 2Ti 1:11
C. Separated for God’s gospel

II. Paul’s Gospel of Christ - vv2-4
A. Its Old Testament roots - v2
1. Promised by the prophets
2. Contained in Holy Scripture
B. Its about the Son of God
1. The first use of “Son”
2. The contrasting statements made about him
a. the contrasting statement identified
1) descended - v3 vs. declared - v4
2) of David - v3 vs. from the dead - v4
3) according to the flesh - v3 vs. according to the Spirit of holiness - v4
b. the contrasting statements interpreted
1) these do not contrast two co-existing states in the make-up of the savior, rather they point two successive stages in a historical process
2) these contrasts concern two successive modes of existence in Christ
3) these contrasting modes of existence have their peculiar origin
4) these contrasts mark out the significant transition in Christ’s life: from Messiah come to Messiah reigning in power and glory as Lord through the resurrection - Acts 13:33
3. The personal focus of Paul’s gospel: Jesus Christ our Lord - v4

III. Paul’s Purpose in Ministry - vv5-6
A. To call people to Christ from among the Gentile
1. “To the obedience that comes from faith”
2. “To call people from among the Gentiles”
B. To glorify the name of Christ - “for his name’s sake”


Susan said...

Hi John! Good to see this new study for the benefit of Cal State Fullerton students. I pray that it's going well and that the Lord will fill the room. This caught my eye from your introduction: "how to divide Biblical passages into the categories of law and gospel" -- can you recommend some good lay-person-accessible books or articles on this type of hermeneutic? Thanks!

Susan said...

(P.S. Susan is Susan Mullins!)